
But if you try sometimes ...

I am usually smitten with a good song lyric.  I find music is a transforming part of life; hearing a good song can take you to a place and a moment in time faster than almost anything else.  The Rolling Stones, for example, take me back to the 80's and 90's on a warm day when a good breeze would pick up the back of your hair or tickle your sun kisses face.  You had an icee in one hand and the future before you; everything was right and was going to be okay.

As we grow, we lose the ability to easily go back to those days.  Here in my part of the country fall is upon us, and there is a delicious crisp feel in the air that makes you want a jacket and a warm paper cup of something with spice.  In just the right moment with the sun shining and the blue sky above you, you can feel that freedom again that comes from possibility.

Want vs need, the eternal struggle.  Sometimes it is over material possessions, but all too often it is all about emotions.  I wonder who reads this blog, and what they get from me.  I am in what I think is a unique set of circumstances, but I imagine my story is not all that different than yours. (or I would imagine there would be no joy in reading this!)  We are all waiting for something... girls waiting for boys, women waiting for babies, children waiting for parents.  Waiting is not that distant from longing for, just depends on the twist life has put on your own story.  I long for my mom, I long for my baby ... perhaps in the same fashion that you long for your partner, or your lost loved one, or a moment in time with an icee in your hand that you cannot seem to get back to, either.

Want or need, waiting or longing; anguish is anguish.  We do not have to put things into a color scale that says "I am a red, my ___ is more challenging than your ___."  Be kind to people, you have no idea what they are experiencing.  Be kind to you, because most people have no idea what your internal life is really like.

I believe God lives among us, in these moments where things make no sense.  He is kissing our faces with sunshine, He is whispering cool air across the back of our necks, and He is doing all of this in spite of the clouds hovering around us and the thunder in the distance.  The question you must ask yourself, is do you trust that regardless of the thunder being behind or in front of you will the breeze will come again and things will be right in your world?

Because you certainly cannot always get what you want ... but in some moments if you truly try you will see all around you the things that you need.

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